Monday, April 14, 2008

Are Violent Video Games Really That Horrible?

Is it true that violent video games tend to bring out people’s violent thoughts, behavior and feelings? Can they really be the cause of disgruntled teens wielding weapons and attacking their fellow schoolmates? Or are they a scapegoat for issues that society does not want to claim responsibility for. Today we live in a time where debates about media can not be left alone without talking about that effects they have on the children of today, and no medium of media has been the topic of discussion more then violent video games. With all the talking and arguing, the question arises: are violent video games really that bad?
This issue has been discussed from every angle, which has been supported by scientific research. It has been theorized that violent video games may be more harmful than violent television and movies because they are interactive, very engrossing and require the player to identify with the aggressor. "One study reveals that young men who are habitually aggressive may be especially vulnerable to the aggression-enhancing effects of repeated exposure to violent games," said psychologists Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D., and Karen E. Dill, Ph.D. Violent video games have been linked to increased aggression and decreased social skills and have even been though to be linked to acts of violence including the Columbine High school shootings.
I would have to disagree with them. Video games such as Doom, Mortal Kombat, and Grand Theft Auto don’t cause aggression, aggression is a personality trait that is caused by emotions that are too strong to be brought upon and manipulated. Violent video games or any type of video game in general do nothing more but keep a child indoors, which is what all videogames do. Society is so fixated on the negatives of violent video games that we don’t realize that video games actually have helpful advantages. Studies show that violent videos, especially the genre of first person shooters like Doom actually enhance hand eye coordination, especially enhancing awareness in new teen drivers. Also People who play violent games online actually feel relaxed after they have played.
In the real world scenes that happen in the video games, a smart kid would know not to go out and do because of the consequence behind it. The worst thing that can come from video games is a waste of time and the devolution into a cough potato; I can’t see video games causing anything more then inactivity among its players. What I truly believe and what I believe society refuses except is that it all comes down to how the child is raised. Let’s be honest, violent video games do not make a person do violent actions, violent people with violent tendencies; will do violent things, the fact that people blame a video game for something caused by poor parenting amazes me. Overall video games period do not interest me what so ever. I have no desire to play them or sit down and watch someone play them. What I can say is violent video games have nothing to do with people’s behavior. Parents need to get there act together, stop blaming the video games for how their child reacts and be more involved in their child’s life and just be cautious to what they do.

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